MGCP Certification Course

Assessing Mental Training Effectiveness

Golf Mental Coaching

Tracking Mental Skills Improvement How do you track your athletes’ improvement and quantifying the effectiveness of mental training? One problem with mental coaching is measuring the effectiveness of your programs with your athletes… You have to rely on self-reports from athletes unless you can use some solid statistical evidence for improvement. A problem with self-reports is that they’re not always …

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Athletes Using Routines or Superstitions?

Routines and Superstitions

Use Preshot Routines to Improve Consistency I was asked the following question by a recent MGCP graduate about routines… “How do you explain, in concrete words to athletes, how a preshot routine helps performance versus superstitions?” Do your athletes have to eat the exact same meal for good luck prior to competition like Wade Boggs did? Do you athletes have …

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A Proven Mental Coaching System

MGCP Certification

What Works for Athletes in the Real World? 30 years ago, I finished my Ph.D. in Sports Psychology at The University of Virginia. But it wasn’t a smooth transition from school to a career in mental coaching… My education prepared me to teach college students sports psychology and motor learning at the university level. I taught college students for two …

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