How to Find the Teachable Moment
How can you convince potential clients that it is worthwhile for them to spend time and money working with a mental coach to improve their game?
This is a question an MGCP asked recently….
My answer: It’s hard to “convince” athletes and coaches they need mental game coaching unless they see a need for it.
What’s the number one reason they might need mental coaching? They don’t perform as well in competition as they do in practice.
But I suggest that athletes be in a “teachable moment” to fully accept mental training. Let’s face it–mental coaching is still a last resort for many athletes even today, but I think that mindset is changing slowly.
One of the keys to helping athletes accept mental game coaching is education. Too many myths still exist, such as only head cases need to work with a mental coach.
By education, I mean helping athletes and coaches understand what mental game coaching is and how it can help them.
As you might know, I do a lot of education with athletes, coaches, and sports parents. We offer podcasts, e-books, and videos to break down the negative stigma of sports psychology and simplify the strategies.
That’s exactly what I try to do in the MGCP course for my students… I try to simplify mental game strategies and help you be a more effective coach. If you use a lot of psychobabble and big terms from psychology, your athletes will miss the message.
If you have not done so, please complete an application at the MGCP website:
Mental Game Coaching Professional
If you have already submitted your MGCP application, please email me to request the enrollment forms.
Note: The first five people to lock in their seats will get preference.
Please call me at 888-742-7225 if you have any questions about the course.
Students in the MGCP program get access to the same mental game assessments I use in my work–The AMAP, GMAP, and TCAP. I teach you how to evaluate an athlete’s or team’s mental approach and what relevant questions to ask in the initial interview stage. Find more details about the course here:
Mental Game Coaching Professional
Related Mental Coaching Articles:
- Assessing Mental Training Effectiveness
- 5 Challenges for Sports Psychology Experts
- Athletes Using Routines or Superstitions?
Apply To Be In The MGCP Program!
Upon acceptance into the Mental Game Coaching Professional (MGCP) program, you’ll be given assess to the MGCP documents and to the peaksportsnetwork.com membership web site, start dates and times of each video conference, and how to access the video conference.
The MGCP video conference certification program is taught by video conference over a period of 10 weeks, meeting for two hours each week, but the course can take up to 12 weeks to complete (due to holidays and such).
By the end of the certification program (provided you have completed all requirements for graduation), you will receive a certification from Peak Performance Sports, LLC as a certified Mental Game Coaching Professional!
Have questions about the MGCP program? Read our FAQ. Find out what is included in the MGCP program. Call 888-742-7225 or email us at Peak Performance Sports