Mental Coach Articles

Do Athletes Understand the Importance of Mental Training?

Athlete Education on Mental Skills

The Benefits of Mental Training For Athletes How can you help athletes understand the importance of the mental game? This is the topic of today’s tip for mental coaches. A mental coach working with golfers recently asked: “I work in golf and one of the biggest challenges is getting golfers to understand the game is at least 50% mindset. It’s …

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A Challenge Every Mental Coach Must Overcome

Mental Training Commitment

I can’t believe that it’s been almost 25 years since I started the MGCP certification program in 1993. The course has evolved a lot over the last decade. And it continues to improve as I receive feedback from participants each semester and questions from mental coaches. But one big challenge still remains for all mental game specialists and sports psychologists… …

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One Key Strategy for Sports Psychologists

Adherence to mental training

Mental Game Coaching Tips Okay, there are no ‘tricks’ in helping athletes with the mental game, but this one strategy is pure gold. Athletes often will present a specific a mental game problem, but it might not be the real challenge that’s blocks them from success… My athletes sometimes guess at what’s getting in the way of success because that’s …

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Why Athletes Avoid Mental Training

Mental Training Commitment

Help Athletes Understand Mental Training Dr. Cohn here from the MGCP certification course where I teach mental coaches how to overcome barrier to their success… What’s the top question I receive from mental coaches? Most everyone wants to know: “How can we help athletes understand the importance of mental training?” The truth is, many athletes, coaches, and sports parents don’t …

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Athletes Who Resist Changing Their Mindset

Age for mental training

Helping Athletes Change their Thinking Changing old habits is hard to do for athletes. I agree with this statement especially when it comes to coaching the mental game. Old habits of thinking are hard to change for many athletes. Especially when they are well ingrained over several years (of practice). Athletes stay stuck in old patterns of thinking for many …

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